Category: Lean-Agile Quality Business Leadership

Think Like a Sustainable, Intelligent, and Innovative LAQL WAY Leader

Unleashing Your Potential for Success: Embracing the Mindset of LAQL WAY(*) Leadership to Propel Your Career
Aécio D’Silva, PhD(1), Fabiano Moura, MSc(2)
Think Like a LAQL WAY Leader – In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, the ability to think like a LAQL WAY leader becomes increasingly vital. Whether you’re aiming to move up the ranks of your company, lead a team, or make a positive impact on your community, developing the mindset of a LAQL WAY leader is key. This mindset goes beyond professional titles and formal authority – it’s a way of thinking that empowers individuals to take control of their own lives and inspire others to achieve their dreams and never settle for what they are or have achieved. In this article, follow us to explore the essential components of thinking like a LAQL WAY leader and how you can leverage that mindset to face challenges, make informed decisions, and create a lasting impact in everything you do.

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Innovating Business and Administration with Intelligent and Sustainable Technologies

A Vision of the Future in Business and Administration of Your Company
By Aécio D’Silva, PhD(1), Maécia Moura, MSc(2), Fabiano Moura, MSc(3)

Innovating Business and Administration – In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, companies need to continuously innovate to stay ahead of the game. That’s why more and more companies are turning to innovative, intelligent, and sustainable technologies to transform the way they do business. In this blog, we’ll take a look at some of the cutting-edge technologies that are set to revolutionize business and administration in the years to come.

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